RBV-1002SL Apache Pride - 105 - 107 days - 9 in. to 11 in. long ears
This is a gorgeous, very colorful, large eared corn with a sturdy stalk. You will find some purple husks on this corn which will really stand out to meet your early to mid-season ornamental corn needs. This is the new version of Cherokee Pride.
RBV-1009UR Dazzling Sunset 110 day
This hybrid has long ears with dazzling color combinations. It also has great stalk stability and yields. Great full season hybrid. Give it a try!!
Distinguished Hybrid Series
RBV-1004 Early Chief - 98 day - 7 in. to 11 in. long ears
This hybrid will give you a very nice ear over Fiesta Hybrid, larger with very good color. This hybrid was 10 days earlier that standard Indian ornamental. Nice hybrid 15 inches shorter that standard Indian ornamental. Give this hybrid a try for those early fall sales.
RBV-1013 Gorgeous Indian - 108 day - 8 in. to 11 in. long ears
This hybrid uses a colorful ornamental background. We combined a very outstanding and a very colorful inbred with a high yielding femail to create a beautiful Ornamental. This hybrid has a high gloss shine - it's beautiful!
RBV-1005SL Cheyenne Pride - 100 to 102 day corn
This is an early season hybrid with very vivid colored ears. This will produce large glossy multi-colored ears, with some purple husks on a nice sized ear that is 8 to 11 inches long. Good stalk quality. This will be great for the ealy fall market.